The Team
Trampolining, whilst an individual sport, requires a team approach to be adopted. For each performer there is a whole support team in the wings comprising not only coaches but also parents, administrators, helpers and assistants. Sometimes more than one of these roles will be manifested in one person but it is generally helpful to understand the distinct nature of each role.
- Performers' role is to turn up at training sessions and/or competitions with a commitment to do their best on the day;
- Coaches' role is to help each performer achieve their best through developing their skills, attitude and approach to the sport;
- Parents' role is to deliver their children to training and/or competitions on-time, in a relaxed frame of mind, equipped in a manner appropriate to the session and then to ensure that they receive appropriate praise for their efforts (see here for more details);
- Committee &
Volunteers' roles are to support the above through
administering the environment (operationally and financially) of the club
and providing appropriate help and support at competitions and other club
activities. As well as the Committee itself, Specialist Volunteer roles we
can not operate without include:
- Judges
- Competition Marshalls, Recorders etc...
- Welfare Officers
If you are interested in joining us, check out our vacancies page.