Brentwood Trampoline - Centre of Excellence®
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BG - 41492

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Harlow Grading G-D, 29th March 2009

16 of our members attended this grading competition at Harlow, 11 of them at Regional G.  With only four out of one hundred grade G entries qualifying to Grade F it is no surprise that few of our members achieved personal best scores although first-timers Tilly Ashcroft, Jonathan Gibb and Callum Wylie performed creditably.  In other respects we did have some success stories with:

Several others also saw good improvements in their overall ranking.

Members' scores

A summary extract of our members' results are provided below ( * new personal best scores).

Class Name Set Voluntary Sub-Total Final Totals Pos
Form+D Tot Form+D Tot
U13 F G Emma Martin 21.4 20.8 20.8 42.2     42.2 6/26
  Victoria webb 20.6 21.0 21.0 41.6     41.6 9/26
  Tegan Roycroft 21.0 20.1 20.1 41.1     41.1 13/26
  Georgia Tyrrell 20.2 20.2 20.2 40.4     40.4 19/26
U13 M G Jonathan Gibbs 21.5 20.7 20.7 42.2     42.2 6/12
  Callum Wylie 19.6 19.3 19.3 38.9     38.9 10/12
U15 F G Abbie Goldsmith 22.7 21.0 21.0 43.7     43.7 3/26
  Charlotte Hussey 21.6 21.9 21.9 43.5     43.5 4/26
U15 M G Jamie Perry 20.9 21.3 21.3 42.2     42.2 2/7
O15 F G Tilly Ashcroft 12.4 22.0 22.0 34.4     34.4 14/16
U13 M F Joe Dulieu-Hasler 21.7 21.6 + 2.3 23.9 45.6     45.6 2/3
O15 F E Georgia Walker 22.2 22.1 + 2.6 24.7 46.9     46.9 9/14
  Lizzie Nicholls 22.7 20.1 + 2.6 22.7 45.4     45.4 10/14
O15 M E Mark Hardiman 21.6 21.1 + 2.8 23.9 45.5 21.4 + 2.9 24.3 69.8 5/5
O15 F D Emma Frost 22.7 22.4 + 5.2 27.6 50.3 * 22.4 + 5.2 27.6 77.9 * 7/16
O15 M D Daniel Frost 22.6 22.4 + 5.0 27.4 50.0 * 22.0 + 5.8 27.8 77.8 * 4/8