Brentwood Trampoline - Centre of Excellence®
CASC Registered - 04613
BG - 41492

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Ipswich Grading D-G, 12th October 2008

This was the first grading to run the new grading system and fortunately the region managed to sort out most issues ahead of time having had benefit of a 'dry-run' at the Brentwood Open two weeks earlier.  Nevertheless, Regional G was somewhat crowded and one hopes that over time the system will bed in with a more even spread across grades.

We had some successes and some disappointments as ever but the summary of results is as follows:

O15 M Reg D

U15 F Reg D

U15 F Reg E

U13 F Reg E

O15 F Reg E

O15 M Reg E

U13 F Reg G

Team 1st of 9

U15 F Reg G

U13 M Reg G