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BG - 41492

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Harlow Grading - 6th June 2005

This competition proved a bit of a curates egg - good in parts. We saw some cracking sets, some good vols and finals - unfortunately rarely in the same performer! Judging was tight but consistent.

Best form score of the day was Jenny Haywood in her set, best comeback was Ellie Law in her vol and best result was Christopher Nicholls who, although only competing against himself, put in the effort to justify a trophy. Quickest to compete was Harriett who seemed to have completed the final almost before she had composed herself after arriving whilst longest to compete was Juliette who finally competed her final more than 3 hours after her first warm-up.

Results were:

Performer Group Place Set Vol Final Total
Jenny Haywood G5 U15 16/18 23.9 (=1st) 14.6+1.2 39.7
Chrissie Law G4 U13 12/16 21.6 22.4+2.2 46.2
Juliette Raison G3 U15 6/15 23.6 23.0+3.6 23.1+3.6 76.9
Laura Cornish G3 U11 4/7 23.1 21.8+3 22.7+2.7 73.3
Harriett Gill G4 U11 4/6 21.9 22.2+2.0 22.6+2.0 70.7
Lauren Raison G4 U15 10/15 23.1 (=3rd) 22.5+3.0 (5th) 20.1+1.2 (9moves) 69.9
Ellie Law G4 U15 15/15 16.5 (7moves) 23.1+2.2 41.8
Hannah Mann G5 U11 10/20 22.9 22.7+1.2 46.8
Christopher Nicholls G5 U11 1/1 23 22.9+1.2 47.1