Brentwood Trampoline - Centre of Excellence®
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BG - 41492

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Brentwood Grading 3-5, 26th March 2006

Picture of comp underwayA message from our Club Chairman

Essex Region Grading - 26th March 2006

Thank you for attending the grading competition held on Sunday 26th March 2006 at the Brentwood School Sports Centre and, in doing so, making it a very memorable occasion. I hope that you found the time useful.

Congratulations to those that qualified, those that won prizes and, perhaps more importantly, to all those who took part.

I am sure that you will join me in thanking the Eastern Region for their support and, ultimately, their sponsorship of today's event. We look forward to seeing you all, again, at other competitions in the region or around the country and perhaps also at some time, in the future, at our 'home' training venue at the Brentwood School Sports Centre (possibly our Open competition on 12th November this year).

Please look for the results and other useful information on our website (

With very best regards

Steven Nicholls


Brentwood Trampoline Club

Full results

The full results of the competition can be downloaded from here in zipped Excel format.

Club members' scores

A summary extract of our own members' results are provided below together with any new personal best scores highlighted.

Class Name Set Voluntary Final Totals Pos Qual٭ Team
Form+D Sub-Tot Form+D
U15 M G 3 Altay Erol 23.2 22.8+4.0 50.0 22.8+4.0 76.8 3 Q  
U13 F G 5 Bethany Chambers 22.5 22.6+1.6 46.7   46.7 2    
U13 F G 5 Charlotte Hussey withdrawn 
U13 F G 4 Chrissie Law 20.9 21.6+3.6 46.1 21.0+3.6 70.7 4    
O17 F G 4 Denise Whipp 13.2 22.3+2.5 38.0   38.0 5    
U13 F G 3 Eleanor Clarke 22.9 21.5+3.5 47.9   47.9 10   1st
U17 F G 4 Eleanor Law 21.1 21.3+2.5 44.9 20.7+2.5 68.1 4    
U13 F G 3 Elizabeth Nicholls 23.1 22.6+3.5 49.2 23.0+3.5 75.7 3 Q 1st
U11 F G 4 Hannah Mann 21.5 21.1+2.1 44.7 20.3+2.1 67.1 5    
U15 F G 4 Jennifer Haywood 0.0 withdrawn 0.0 20    
U17 F G 4 Joanne Thomas 20.2 20.3+2.5 43.0 20.4+2.5 65.9 7    
U15 M G 3 Jonathan Owen 22.5 22.4+3.5 48.4   48.4 5    
O17 F G 5 Katie Hurst 21.9 22.4+1.6 45.9   45.9 2    
U9 F G 3 Kensie Sherlock 21.8 22.8+2.7 47.3 16.4+2.0 65.7 2    
U13 F G 3 Laura Cornish 22.8 22.9+4.1 49.8 23.2+4.1 77.1 2 Q 1st
O17 F G 4 Nikola Kelly 21.9 22.5+2.5 46.9 21.9+2.5 71.3 2    
O17 F G 5 Rachel Hurst 23.0 22.4+1.7 47.1   47.1 1    
U13 F G 5 Sarah Herbert 22.2 22.4+1.5 46.1   46.1 7    
U15 F G 5 Sophie Hurst 22.1 22.5+1.5 46.1   46.1 3    
U17 F G 5 Sophie McGuire 20.4 20.8+1.7 42.9   42.9 7    
U13 F G 3 Tanya Mann withdrawn

٭Qualifying scores were adjusted by the TTC after this competition but applied in arrears, these reflect the adjusted position.


Some pictures of some of our trophy/medal winners:

Lizzie, Laura & Ellie - winning team

Grade 3, Under 13 winning team with Laura Cornish (2nd) Elizabeth Nicholls (3rd) and Eleanor Clarke
Rachel & Katie Hurst, 1st and 2nd in over 17 grade 4.

1-2 for the Hursts, Rachel 1st and Katie 2nd

Altay and 3rd place trophy

Altay Erol, 3rd in under 15 grade 3
Bethany Chambers, 2nd in under 13 grade 4

Bethany on left, 2nd place trophy

Nikkii, surprised to be getting 2nd

Nikola Kelly, 2nd in over 17 grade 4